Nissan Leaf Gen 1 Charger & Guide NZnissan leaf charging

What sort of charger should I get for my Nissan Leaf Gen 1?
We have put together a quick Nissan Leaf Gen 1 Charging guide. 

The majority of the imported Generation 1 Nissan leaf’s will use a Type 1 EV charger. There is the odd exception if your leaf has been imported from Europe then it could be a Type 2 connector. Have a quick look at our plug guide if you are not sure.
The original OEM Japanese chargers are not compatible with New Zealand’s voltage so these should be replaced.  

We recommend using the 10A plugin Leaf charger as it will suit most users and allow a full charge overnight.  The three pin plug in 8A charger will charge a Generation one leaf from 20% to 80% charge in around 8 hours. If you want faster charging then you might consider getting the 16A charger, this will require the install of a caravan plug.  

Nissan Leaf Charging Times

Estimate charge timing comparison from 20% to 100%
If you want to check charge times based on how charged your battery is then use our charge time calculator. Or Charge cost calculator

2011-2012 G1 chargers and charge times

Charger type Battery Charge time 20%-100%
10A Leaf charger 24kWh 11.5 hours
16A Leaf Charger 24kWH 5.75 hours  *Limited by on board charger

2013-2016 Nissan Leaf chargers and charge times

Charger type Battery Charge time 20%-100%
10A Leaf charger 24kWh 11.5 hours
16A Leaf Charger 24kWH 5.75 hours
32a Wall charger 24kWh 5.75 hours * Limited by cars on board charger
8A Leaf charger 30kWh 14.5 hours
16A Leaf Charger 30kWH 7.25 hours
32a Wall charger 30kWh 7.25 hours * Limited by cars on board charger

Some leafs have an optional 7kw onboard inverter. This will decrease the charge time with the 32a charger. However they are mostly in uk imports. 

Public charging the G1 Nissan Leaf

There two types of public chargers for your Leaf.

The CHAdeMO fast Charger. This is a DC charger and will charge your car from 0 to 80% in 30min. No need to bring a cable as the charging station has this hard wired. 

Type 2 Public charger such as the ones you find a super markets and malls. The majority of these you will need to bring a cable as they have a Type 2 Socket. Although some are hard wired.

Charging your Nissan leaf Gen 1 from a public Type 2 charger.

To use the chargers with a Type 2 socket you will need one of our Type 2 to Type 1 charge cables to make use of these chargers. The majority of free public chargers use the Type 2 Socket but some have Type one and Type 2 hard wired so a cable is not always needed. Check Plugshare to find out what sort of cable or socket is at the charge station.

If you have a hard wired Type 2 charger and need an adapter to Type 1 we have those here.

Nissan leaf charging

Popular Leaf CHARgers


Popular Gen 1 Nissan Leaf Chargers. Although the leaf is limited to charging at 16a, if you are planning on upgrading in the future then we suggest investing in a  32a wall charger with a Socket. This can then be used to charge a NZ new Type 2 vehicle as well. 

$470.00 inc. GST
$210.00 inc. GST
$799.00$940.00 inc. GST
$399.00 inc. GST